Please don't hesitate to get in touch for a copy if you don't have access. (a.r.gammon [at] tudelft [dot] nl)
Please don't hesitate to get in touch for a copy if you don't have access. (a.r.gammon [at] tudelft [dot] nl)
Refereed Journal Articles & Book Chapters
Gammon, A.R. & Marin, L. 2022. Learning to reframe problems through moral sensitivity and critical thinking in environmental ethics for engineers. Teaching Ethics.
Gammon, A. R. 2019. The Unsettled Places of Rewilding. In Unsettling Place & Space, S. Pinto, S. Hannigan, E. Charlton, & B. Walker-Gibbs (Eds.), pp. 251- 264. Singapore: Springer. Gammon, A. R. 2018. The Many Meanings of Rewilding. Environmental Values 27(4): 331-350. Tokarski, M. & Gammon, A. R. 2016. Cultivating a Dialogue: Rewilding, Heritage Landscapes, & Belonging. The Trumpeter 32(2): 147-154. Buck, H. J., Gammon, A. R., & Preston, C. J. 2014. Gender and Geoengineering. Hypatia 29(3): 651-669. |
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Gammon, A. R., Zhu, Q., Streiner, S., Clancy, R., & Thorpe, R. 2022. Exploring the Perceptions of Professional Values among First-Year Engineering Students: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society. Hong Kong, China. November 10-12.
Gammon, A.R., Zhu, Q., Streiner, S., Clancy, R., & Thorpe, R. 2022. Developing conceptual & methodological foundations for a cross-cultural, multi-institutional study of ethical reasiing & moral dispositions of engineering students. Proceedings of the 2022 Frontiers in Education Conference, Uppsala, Sweden. October 8-11. Clancy, R., Zhu, Q., Streiner, S., Gammon, A., & Thorpe, R. (2022). Exploring the relations between ethical reasoning and moral intuitions among first-year engineering students across cultures: Using the Engineering and Science Issues Test (ESIT) and Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ). Proceedings of the 129th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. June 26-29. Zhu, Q., Clancy R., Streiner, S., Gammon, A., Thorpe, R., & Angeli, A. (2022). Exploring the ethical perceptions of first-year engineering students: Public welfare beliefs, ethical behavior, and professional values. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of ASEE Zone IV, Vancouver, Canada. May 12-14. Clancy, R. & Gammon, A.R. 2021. The ultimate goal of ethics education should be more ethical behaviors. Proceedings of the 128th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Virtual Conference. |
Book Reviews
Gammon, A. R. 2019. Review of N. Pettorelli, S.M. Durant & J.T. du Toit (Eds.), Rewilding in ECOS: A Review of Conservation 40(6).
Gammon, A. R. 2017. Review of Brian Treanor, Emplotting Virtue: A Narrative Approach to Environmental Virtue Ethics in Environmental Ethics, 38(3): 379-382. Gammon, A. R. 2015. Review of Bryan E. Bannon, From Mastery to Mystery: A Phenomenological Foundation for an Environmental Ethic, in The Journal of the British Sociey for Phenomenology, 46(4): 336-338. Zwier, J. & Gammon, A. R. 2015. Review of Mark Coeckelbergh, Environmental Skill: Motivation, Knowledge, and the Possibility of a Non-romantic Environmental Ethics, in Human Studies, 38(3): 439-444. |